Waves of Mercy

I remembered one conversation on MSN where he said something like this;

"So i guess i'll be seeing you playing the drums for YDM when i get back eh?"

Somewhere in between those lines to which of course i told him no cause i don't think it'll be that soon. Gazillion thanks to teacher Wes for having so much patience with giving lessons and also to Joel, Stephen, Ben and Frank for a lot of encouragement and support because today...*yes today!*


I can only stand amaze at what He's provided me with because as far as i remembered, i always thought to myself i can never ever play any musical instrument at all. And today, He has proved me wrong again by showing me that He is a God that always fullfill His promises...as long as you ask. And for that, i will do my very best to improve and use what He's given me to serve Him.

Although it's only one simple simple song, i'm just feeling extremely thankful because i should. :)

In Him


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